
Penetration Testing

Uncover Hidden Threats with Our Penetration Testing Services

Our Penetration Testing Services are designed to identify and manage security risks. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from identifying potential vulnerabilities to providing actionable recommendations to improve your security posture. Our services are available throughout Singapore and Globally.

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Let Our Team of VAPT Experts Assist You

Effective cybersecurity is a critical component of any successful business strategy. With our comprehensive Penetration Testing Services, we provide clients in Singapore and around the world with thorough and tailored assessments designed to identify and manage security risks. Whether we’re identifying potential vulnerabilities or recommending actionable improvements, our team of experienced professionals are committed to protecting our clients from potential threats. We believe that security is a fundamental aspect of business success, and our services are designed to help our clients achieve the highest levels of security possible. 

Our Solutions

Penetration Testing Services

API Penetration Testing

API Penetration Testing

Our team of experienced penetration testers will conduct a thorough assessment of the security of your organization's web services to uncover any security weaknesses. We focus on key areas like data transmission security, authentication processes, error handling, and access control mechanisms. Our goal is to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to sensitive data through your APIs.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Web Application Penetration Testing

Our Web Application Penetration Tests aim to identify vulnerabilities in modern web applications that could be exploited by cyber attackers. We examine all layers of your application, from the user interface to the database connections. By simulating various attack vectors such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and insecure direct object references, we can pinpoint any weaknesses in your application's security design.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Mobile Application Penetration Testing

We offer a comprehensive penetration test for IOS and Android mobile apps to identify and document any vulnerabilities. We use both static and dynamic testing methods to thoroughly examine your mobile app's code and API endpoints. Our reports prioritize the severity of the vulnerabilities and provide clear remediation guidance to help you fix any security issues.

Network and Infrastructure Penetration Testing

Network and Infrastructure Penetration Testing

Our network penetration test can be performed externally or internally on your network infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and security issues on your infrastructure. Once discovered, we will carefully exploit the vulnerabilities to confirm if your organization is at risk. This is a manual process that eliminates false positives commonly produced by automated vulnerability scanners.

Cloud Penetration Testing

Cloud Penetration Testing

Our Cloud penetration testing services is an in-depth assessment of your organisation's cloud-based resources, systems, and applications. This service involves ethical hacking techniques to simulate real-world cyberattacks, aiming to uncover security weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit.

How We Do It

Our Methodology

Pre-assessment Preparation

Pre-assessment Preparation

Before diving into the testing process, we collaborate closely with your team to understand your objectives, scope, and specific requirements. This initial phase ensures that our efforts align with your business goals and regulatory compliance. ie PCI DSS, SOC 2 etc

Testing and Exploitation

Testing and Exploitation

In this phase, we simulate real-world cyber attacks, attempting to exploit the identified security vulnerabilities. Our ethical hackers use their expertise to validate and prioritize these vulnerabilities, ensuring a practical assessment of your security posture.

Reconnaissance and Information Gathering

Reconnaissance and Information Gathering

We initiate the assessment by collecting valuable information about your organization's digital footprint, including publicly available data, network architecture, and potential attack vectors. This step helps us understand your unique environment better.

Post Exploitation Analysis

Post Exploitation Analysis

Once the security vulnerabilities are successfully exploited (without causing any harm), we thoroughly examine the potential consequences and the extent of access that an attacker could gain. This step helps us understand the severity of each security flaw.

Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis

Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis

Our skilled ethical security testers use scanning tools and manual analysis techniques to identify vulnerabilities across your systems and applications. This step provides a comprehensive view of potential weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit.

Reporting and Support

Reporting and Support

We provide a detailed report that includes a comprehensive overview of our findings, categorized by severity. Beyond reporting, we remain committed to your cyber security journey by offering you continuous support and guidance.

Testing Categories

Types of Testing

White Box Testing, also known as clear or transparent testing, is a detailed and thorough method where the tester has complete knowledge of the system’s architecture and source code. In this type of penetration test, the tester simulates an attack from an insider threat – someone with access to sensitive information like system passwords, algorithms, and source code. This approach allows for a comprehensive review of all code paths and functions, checking for coding errors, security loopholes, and other vulnerabilities. It can help identify issues like improper structure or application configuration, which could be exploited by attackers.

Grey Box Testing is a hybrid approach that combines elements of both white box and black box testing. In this approach, the tester has partial knowledge of the system’s internal structure – enough to understand the system but not full access like in white box testing. This method simulates an attack from a user with limited privileges, such as a disgruntled employee or a user who has gained elevated access. Grey Box Testing allows for a more focused penetration testing strategy, targeting publicly accessible applications and systems, while also considering some level of internal data.

Black Box Testing simulates an attack from an external threat, such as a hacker, where the tester has no knowledge of the system’s internal workings. The focus here is on finding vulnerabilities that can be exploited via interfaces or in the application itself, without any specific insight into the underlying code or infrastructure. This approach mimics real-world cyber attacks closely, as attackers typically do not have any internal knowledge of the system. It’s an effective way to identify vulnerabilities in user interfaces, APIs, servers, networks, and other exposed points that a hacker could exploit.  

Each of these testing methodologies plays a crucial role in a comprehensive cyber security strategy. By understanding and addressing your system’s vulnerabilities, you can protect your organization from potential cyber threats and strengthen your overall security posture.

What's Next?

Do You Need a Pentest?

Today, organizations of all sizes are vulnerable to cyber attacks, and hackers are increasingly using sophisticated techniques to breach networks and steal data. As a result, businesses must take proactive steps to protect themselves and their customer data. One of the most effective methods of reducing the risk of a breach is to perform regular vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT).

If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced partner to help secure your network and protect your data, Securinc is the perfect choice. We are committed to providing the highest level of security and customer service, and we have the experience and expertise to ensure that your data is safe and secure. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you protect your data.

Penetration Testing


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